Saint Luke member Thelma Jacks (TJ) was one of 35 people selected from hundreds of nominations across the country to serve on the Commission on a Renewed Lutheran Church (CRLC), which held its first meeting in July. The 2022 Churchwide Assembly established the CRLC to reconsider statements of purpose for the church and its organizational structure. The commission will present its findings and recommendations to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly in preparation for a possible reconstituting convention. To learn more, visit
Here is what TJ had to say about her first experience with CRLC:
Lutherans proclaim that “All Are Welcome!” At Saint Luke, we add “No Exceptions!” As a female American of African descent, sitting in the pews of Saint Luke, hearing that expression every Sunday brings feelings of joy and sorrow. Joy that Saint Lukans proclaim it, and sorrow that it is necessary to proclaim it in that it is not an intuitive behavior/attitude of all people in all of life’s circumstances.
Recognizing that this situation exists in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), the Church has set itself on a path for renewal. During the 2022 Churchwide Assembly, the participants passed a resolution “to direct the Church Council to establish a Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church, comprised of leaders of a diverse representation from all three expressions that working in consultation with the Conference of Bishops and the Church Council, shall reconsider the statements of its organizational structure, and all matters pertaining thereunto, being particularly attentive to our shared commitment to dismantle racism…”
Luke the Monkey traveled with TJ to the first meeting
The Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church was constituted in 2023 and held its first meeting in July. This diverse group of Lutherans is charged with making recommendations regarding the ELCA’s organizational structure that erects barriers for exclusion.
When first presented with this opportunity to be a part of the Commission, I was both apprehensive and excited; apprehensive about the daunting work ahead but excited to be a part of this journey to make God’s Word real to all. I am thankful that the first meeting was not a working session, related to the tasks at hand. This session’s focus was geared towards getting to know our fellow commissioners, understanding that this is a difficult and complex task, but that grounded in God’s Word and the Holy Spirit, achievements can occur.
Working in different small groups, the Commissioners studied several Biblical verses: Isaiah 42:16-21, Isaiah 42:1-19, Acts 15:1-21, Philippians 2:1-11, and Acts 16:6-15. The studies centered on three discussion areas, which words or phrases are you immediately drawn to, what meaning do these verses have for me, and what meaning do these verses have for the commission. And, finally, the Commissioners created a process covenant, a covenant regarding our behavior as individual commissioners and how the Commission will act as a body.
After spending three days with my fellow Commissioners, I can say that my apprehension has diminished and that my excitement about the tasks ahead has grown. I am grateful to be on this journey with these faithful Commissioners.