We serve a generous God. As His followers, we reflect His generosity with our time, talents, and finances. Giving is an opportunity to partner with and empower the Church to love and serve our neighbors. Through generous giving, we get to participate in what God is doing around the world.
Give a one-time or monthly reoccuring gift online by following the link below.
Simply place your gift in the offering plate at worship or drop it off in the church office. Giving envelopes are available in the pews.
Mail a check to the church office: Saint Luke Lutheran Church; 203 N. Valley Forge Rd; Devon, PA 19333
Reoccurring Gifts- Remembering to give has never been easier
Scheduling a recurring gift ensures that your gift is received even when you are out of town, unable to attend a service, or forget your checkbook at home. There is no fee for you to schedule a gift and you can change your plan at any time. Reoccurring gifts provide even support all year-round, reduce deficits, and allow us to keep timely commitments to the ministries that we support locally and globally.
You can set up a reoccurring gift online, by filling out a Simply Giving application, or by contacting your bank to schedule electronic bill pay.
Additional Ways to Give
Give the gifts of stock or other marketable securities, In-Kind Gifts, or planned gifts from trusts or retirement assets. Details about these additional ways to give are available in our Giving Guide.
Financial giving is recorded with great concern regarding confidentiality and privacy. Quarterly statements are issued by mail so that individuals can review their giving history, as well as for tax purposes.
Questions regarding giving statements or additional giving options can be directed to: Dona Redmond, Assistant Treasurer for Receipts.