Bible Stories for Grown Ups

Fifty years ago the song Piano Man was released and whenever it played I was with Bill playing the piano and ready to conquer the world.  Now when I listen to the song I think that Bill may be a bit too hard on those poor guys at the bar.  For me, Bible Stories for Grown Ups has been a similar journey.  Bible Stories for Grown Ups allowed me to change my perspective about the Bible in the same way I have changed my perspective about music.  The songs and stories are all the same but the listener has changed.  As my perspective shifts the stories take on new meaning and characters get a different consideration.

A mature analysis of Bible stories can bring other characters into play sort of like my new appreciation for those guys at the bar.  Were Noah and his family really the only ones worth saving?  Was the test of Abraham’s faith worth the trauma Isaac endured?  To an adult ear these stories sound less certain and can even raise uncomfortable questions about faith.  It can be hard to consider the stories in this way.

The most important lesson of Bible Stories for Grown Ups is that no one need do this alone.  The program is designed for participants to learn about one another’s insights about these stories.  The series encourages participants to share their experience of these stories and grow together.  The ultimate lesson is that any story about G-d surpasses human understanding which is why the best way to read them is together.

Genesis tells us that humanity is made in God’s image.  So, perhaps the best way to learn about God is when we learn about and from each other.  That is certainly the point of Bible Stories for Grown Ups and I feel very lucky to be a part of the Saint Luke community that teaches me so much.