Winter Birthdays

What a wonderful occasion! We celebrate your life and all that God has done in the world through you! We give praise and ask for blessings on this next year.

“Watch over your children, O Lord, as their days increase; bless and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand; comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and in their heart may your peace which passes understanding abide all the days of their life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


1  Maxwell Miron,  Pauline Stahl

3  Jo Olsen

5  Brian Fehr,  Alexis King,  Peyton Long

6  Mark Donohue,  Lorraine Miller,  Craig Van Yahres

7  Sara Flatt, Christopher Himler, Thomas Webb

8  Jack Messaros, Jeffrey Nansteel, Dave Sonn

9  Lauren Maschmeyer, Douglas Miller, Jennifer Stackhouse, David Wood

10  Betty Clark,  Donna Kearns, Daniel Larcker

11  Andrew Derkacz, David Derkacz, Reid Gustafson, Maren Jeffery, Jacob Romeiser, Samuel Romeiser, Carly Wilson, Sydney Wilson

13  Beth Corio, Blair Long, Nicholas Sonn

14  Gary Ezekian

15  Cheryl Tomlinson

16  John Balog, James Clifton, Jillian Kostenbauder, Reese Southmayd

17  David Engstrom, Richard Mercier

18  Matthew Becker, Carol Reilly, Arla Cain

20  Bob Romeiser

21  Robert Gay, Laura Heintzelman

22  Karen Pecora, Jessica Tinneny

24  Peter Long,

25  Carol Miller, Tara Owens

27  Christine Feaster, Brendan Wahlers

28  Rick Koup, Laura Reed, Don Wood

29  Evelyn Mueller, Matthew Henry

30  Peter Mueller, Pr. Mycah McNett

31  Konner Barlow, Stephen Heid


1  Olga Scheitlin, Pam Schlender-Youngblood

2  Kay Balabon

3  Susan Saxer, David Webb

4  Sheila Dahl, Sharon Hickey

4  Kara Seaton, David Donohue

5  Megan Fantoni, Lillian McKeon

6  Aimee Buttenbaum, John Kostenbauder

7  Jennifer Bailer, Sophia Fanelli, Nina Haracz, Max Kelly, Muriel Loose, January Mascaro

8  Dirk Boden, Hunter Robie, Gayle Schlegel

9  Matthew Klepfer, Kate Shickel

10  Bonnie Marziani, Rebecca Schmidt, Georgia Southmayd

11  Claire Luce, Mark Schlegel

12  Bill Baver

13  Barbara Cloonan

14  James Flatt

15  Philip Gilbert, Dave Satterfield

16  Maryann Loose, Mark Stanisz

18  Natalie Haracz, Joyce Million

19  Jennifer Cowperthwait, Jonathan Reed,, Sue Russo

20  Tessa Carl, Matthew Hendrickson, Barbara Kupp, Christine Voigt

21  Nicholas Adams, Matthew Adams, Debra Bernier, Judy Wry

22  Dominick Pecora

23  Stephen Hendrickson, Grace McGinness, Emory Owens

24  Anne Haracz, Douglas Hendrickson

24  David Leighton, Elise Mercier, Joni Praplaski

26  Eric DiPietro, Luis Gomez, Leo Fuchs

29  Trey Milby, Rod Olsen

30  Katie Cullum, Danielle Feinberg, Jack Lewis, James Shuttlesworth

31  Susan Connors


2  Louis Bowers, Robert Gay, Maureen Lok, Matthew Long, Jim Ondrey, Olivia Corio

3  Kristin Shuttlesworth

4 Robby Gilbert, Cindy Schulz

5  Susan Adams, David Lueders, Jr., Wendy Mercier, Michael Robie

6  Philipp Ziegler

7  Riley Baver, Ned d'Entremont, Melissa Fanelli, Kendall Kemm

8  Anna Mueller, Monica Staniz, Noah Rickards

9  Madison Miller

10  Carter Godfrey, Brynne Henry, John Stover, Kathy Wells

11  Lindsay Hanifan, Thelma Jacks, Tom Powell

12  Grace Etzweiler, Anna Freitag, James Hendrickson, Doug Jones

13  Mallory Flickinger, Gordon Macomber, Christian Miller

14  Heidi Romeiser, Christopher Pecora

15  Geoff Southmayd

16  Jessica Wood

17  Adrianna Polizzi

18  Frank Polizzi, Michael Staniz

19  Justin Wright

20  Michael McIlvaine, Casey Himler

21  Roberta Barnett, Cody Vermillion

22  Lukas Littleton, Karen Maschmeyer

23  Austin Himler, Shaun Snyders

24  Greg Binner, Sammy Carter, Liz Harmon, Mason Miller, Annie Webb, Miles Miron

25  Kathy Houck, Cathie Hozinez, Scott Youngblood

27  Kristen Conrad

28  Christine Bender, Phil Cook, Tom Koester, Garrett Ricci, Susan Smith