Thank God for Madison

Baptism is a joyous event! Through this sacrament, God makes us members of the community of faith, the Church; grants forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal life. At Saint Luke, children and infants are brought by parents or guardians who promise to raise them in the faith and our church family promises to support them in this important work.

We are so excited to celebrate the recent baptism of Madison McKeon. On October 22, Saint Luke joined alongside parents, Jeremy Mckeon and Alice Berry, as they baptized their adorable baby Madison.

She was also surrounded by love shown by her big sister Lillian and sponsors, Laura Berry White and Doug Christenson. It was a beautiful morning of celebration with family and friends. As you can see, Madison was full of smiles with Pastor Matt.

Madison and her family have been attending Saint Luke for about a year. They found their way to us thanks to a kind referral by Saint Mark’s in Conshohocken. They also attend Beautiful Beginnings Daycare, located right in the building. Their favorite part of Saint Luke is how accepting and supportive everyone is.

Next time you see Jeremy, Alice, Lillian and Madison around be sure to say hello and celebrate with them!