Starry Night: Share

Virginia Wieringa Fine Art

Once we change our clocks and return to Eastern Standard Time, a growing darkness will swallow up the sun’s rays a little earlier each evening. While we will miss the long sunny evenings, we are enchanted by the night sky and its stars. As the psalmist wrote, 

“The Lord determines the number of the stars and calls each of them by name.”   

-Psalm 147:4

As we journey through Advent, we will gaze at the stars and hear from various friends from our congregation, pondering their star’s unique name. Each thoughtful reflection will help us all see Advent and Christmas in new light.  Enjoy! 

Today’s reflection is from Scott Youngblood, 7th Grader:


Sharing is more than giving what you already have. It is offering to those in need things that you need too, not just stuff you want to get rid of. Items you have to save for to get. Things that everyone needs. It could be clothing, food, a place to stay, or even emotional support. Sharing is important to me, because I know what it feels like to have a hard time for me and my family and it felt amazing when someone close to us stepped up and helped. We should all live our lives practicing sharing not only at Christmas time but all year long, all the time.

Dear God, lead our hearts to share this Advent Season and always. Amen.