Starry Night: Participate

Virginia Wieringa Fine Art

“O Holy Night!
The stars are brightly shining
It is the night of the dear Savior's birth!
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till he appear'd and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary soul rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!…”

As we journey through Advent, we continue our devotional series featuring various friends from our congregation, pondering their star’s unique name. Each thoughtful reflection points us towards our Savior and fills us with a thrill of hope. Enjoy!

Today’s reflection is from Nancy Shaw:


This star, “participate,” initially brings to mind activity—the doing, the organizing, the serving—key elements, but often overwhelming aspects, of our lives.

 To “participate” in Advent presents us with the paradox that less is more. We are called to reflection: to “ponder” like Mary; to “prepare him room,” as we sing in “Joy to the World;" to “wait” for the Lord.

Making space for this holy pause doesn’t come easily to those of us whose prayer at this time of year is often, “Oh Lord, how am I going to get everything done by Dec. 24?” (or December 25, if you really live on the edge). Yet this is exactly when we most need the nudge to be still, to reflect on what matters, to “Listen, listen God is calling.”

Dear God, during this joyful, busy time, give us the wisdom to breathe, to pause, to stare at a lit candle or at the stars, to snuggle quietly with a child on our lap, to think about the words as we sing a familiar carol. And, in this way, help us to prepare our hearts to experience and share Your Love, given to us in the birth of Your Son Jesus.