New Members & Old Friends

On July 16th, we were delighted to welcome several new members to our Saint Luke Lutheran Church community. Each individual brings a unique story and journey of faith, and we are thrilled to have them join our congregation.

We are thrilled to introduce and highlight each person, and encourage everyone to say hello to them next time you are around Saint Luke.

Lauren Baxter

Moving to our area approximately nine months ago, Lauren came to Saint Luke with a desire to find an inclusive church that she could call home. We are honored that she chose us, and we eagerly welcome her into our family. She is looking forward to “a greater relationship with God and finding a family/home within Saint Luke.” As Lauren seeks to deepen her relationship with God, we hope to be the place where she discovers the love and belonging she has been searching for.

Mary Connelley

For the past 12 years, Mary has graced us with her presence and regular attendance at Saint Luke. Seeking a supportive and caring community, she found solace and warmth within our congregation. Mary's connection to her family, including her daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren who also attend (Angie & Frank Polizzi), adds an extra layer of meaning to her worship experience. We are grateful to have her as an active member, involved in events like Ruth Circle, Book Club, and the Altar Guild.

Ruth Lehnen

She came to Saint Luke with her daughter, Laura and has been worshipping with us for almost 4 years. She shared, “I have found so much love and compassion here and I hope to be able to continue to grow and learn.” She participated in Pins and Needles and also of Ruth's Circle and has made numerous friends here during the time she’s been worshiping here.

Robert Smith

We remember Robert's joyous wedding here at Saint Luke a few summers ago. Alongside his wife Jennifer, Robert has been attending worship services, and we are excited to accompany him as he continues his faith journey with our community. As he seeks increased serenity and peace, we stand ready to support and nurture him in his spiritual growth.

Jessica Lee Tinneny

A familiar face around Saint Luke, Jessica has been an active participant in various activities, including Table Talk, Needles & Pins, and the choir! She was drawn to the genuine friendliness and people-centered approach that our church embodies. Jessica found a place where people can be their authentic self without fear of judgment or exclusion. We celebrate her commitment to our community and her dedication to building a loving and inclusive environment for all.

As Saint Luke Lutheran Church, we are honored and humbled by the faith and trust these new members have placed in our community. We believe that every individual's unique journey enriches the fabric of our congregation, making us stronger and more united in our mission to spread love, compassion, and acceptance. Let us extend our warmest greetings to Robert, Ruth, Lauren, Jessica, and Mary as they embark on this new chapter of their spiritual lives with us. Together, we will continue to grow in faith and serve as beacons of hope in the world around us.