Meet Pastor Mycah

It was with great excitement that Saint Luke announced the call of Pastor Mycah McNett to serve as our pastor alongside lead pastor Matt Staniz! This call—extended by a vote of the congregation at a special meeting on July 30, 2023 and accepted by Pastor McNett—fills a 3.5 year vacancy on the pastoral leadership team at Saint Luke. Prior to Pastor Mycah McNett being called to Saint Luke, there was a brief introduction about her. Pastor Mycah took some additional time as she settles in at Saint Luke to answer some questions so we can all get to know her better.

Who is Pastor Mycah McNett?

Trivia Aficionado

Oh, we love trivia! My spouse, Alyssa, and I really enjoy playing trivia - and we play almost every week locally! We joke that much of our local exploration or further travel, stopping into museums and historic sites along the way, is all to study up for the next Quizzo game.

Alyssa also writes and hosts a weekly trivia game in Exton, and has been doing so for the past two years. We have been playing weekly trivia for almost the entire five-plus years we have been together and we find that it has really solidified our teamwork abilities. 

Curious Explorer

Alyssa and I really enjoy nature, but we’re not too athletic (no intense hiking or rock climbing for us right now!). If we have a free Saturday, we often drive down to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, and walk along the boardwalk, or find a local national or state park we haven’t yet visited and explore. I find nature incredibly restorative and one of my favorite ways to connect with God.

Cat Paw-rent

Our three cats are Minnie, Clio, and Clem. We adopted Minnie and Clio when Pastor Susan Lynch died. They are about 11 years old and now that a year has passed, we safely feel like they have accepted us as their new owners. We have had Clem since she was a kitten and she's about eight years old now. She moved with us from Virginia. All three cats are very affectionate and playful.

Enthusiastic Minister

I think the ministries I will be most likely be involved in right out of the gate were strongly named in the job description for the second pastor called to Saint Luke. I look forward to partnering with the Sunday School Faith Formation Team, and more ministries as I get settled in. I really look forward to working with everyone at Saint Luke and getting to know folks and praying for each person I meet. I also am excited to work alongside Pastor Matt.


I’m really, very much a big sister! My siblings are entering the 8th and 9th grades this year. My mom and step-dad live in the Washington D.C. area, and we love to get together with them often. My mom and I moved to the DC area from just north of Seattle, Washington when I was 13 years old to be near my step-dad and his family.

I often joke that my brother and sister keep me young by telling me about the latest TikTok trend or Internet joke, and I cannot believe how quickly they are growing up. They also remind me how busy life is for families, and how tough it can be to connect with the church. 

Be sure to say hello to Pastor Mycah next time you are at Saint Luke and welcome her to our community. She can be reached via email or by calling the church office.