From Fun in the Sun to Joy in the Classroom

Saint Luke Kids Sunday School starts up again this fall on September 17. The faith journey begins with the Parents (or Grandparents) & Twos class where church relationships and friendships begin. Play, music, and stories teach our littlest Sunday schoolers about God’s love. The preschool and early elementary grades continue the faith journey focusing on the love of God, Jesus, and one another while having fun with games, playtime, and crafts. Our fun and lively music sessions with John Rea begin with this age group. The middle elementary grades explore the Bible and the life of Jesus through Bible stories and history, games, and fun activities like a picnic of foods Jesus may have eaten! Bible stories help our upper elementary students further explore and understand God’s love for us while cooking, crafts, and making gifts for others, such as scarves for the Giving Tree, make lessons fun and meaningful. The 6th grade class transitions from Bible stories to Bible study in preparation for Confirmation classes the following year. Our oldest Sunday School students may enjoy service projects or field trips as they expand on not only the faith in one’s own life but in the world around us.

We hope to see all the Saint Luke Kids at Sunday School this year. As a wise co-teacher summed it up, “Saint Luke offers your child a Christian education where he will learn, feel safe, feel loved, AND HAVE FUN!”

God’s Peace and Love,

Heidi Romeiser, Sunday School Director


As you look forward to the fall, get to know our Sunday School teachers! Our teachers share their experience, favorite parts of teaching, and some of their summer joys!

Kathy Seaton

I teach our Parents & Twos class. I have taught at Saint Luke since 1974. I enjoy helping parents find ways to practice faith with their toddlers. It is exciting to see how much the children look forward to Sunday school. The class enables parents and two year olds to find friends and support at the church. I love hearing parents tell me that every morning their little ones get out of bed and ask, “Is there Sunday school?”

This Summer, my husband Paul and I are growing zinnias around our house and in pots. There are always a few in glass milk containers on the windowsill in our kitchen!

Susie Martin

I help teach our preschool class (3 and 4 yr olds). I've been teaching for 40 years.  I started the year my youngest son was 3.  It was a big class and they needed help. I love working with the little ones in their first class without their parents.  They are so open to God's love.

This summer I have been relaxing since I took my dream vacation to Italy last September. 

Barb Messaros

I am teaching 3s and pre-k. I have been a part of the Sunday School teaching team for 23 years. Each year my favorite thing is the same- the children!

This summer, I am finding joy spending time with my family, especially my parents who are still blessed with good health. 

Karen Maschmeyer

I am excited to be teaching our Kindergarten and 1st Grade class. I have been teaching for 29 years. My favorite thing about Sunday School is the interaction with the students when they get excited about the story.

This summer, I am enjoying spending quality time with family.

Valerie Reuben

I have been teaching the Kindergarteners & 1st graders. I have been involved in Sunday school for 3 yrs. I enjoy working with children of all ages. I am always amazed at the children's creativity and storytelling abilities. I also enjoy coming up with activities for them that relate to the Bible chapters weekly. Their young minds bring enormous joy to me. 

This summer I am enjoying the sites of Wisconsin and Michigan with one of my daughters. We have gone to many state parks enjoying all that God has created. 

Nancy Wood

This year I will continue teaching K & 1st grade (5 -7 year old kids).  A wonderful age! I have been teaching Sunday School for 57 years and several sporadic years between our children’s births. When you are doing what you love it is hard to think of it in years! My favorite part of teaching Sunday School is sharing God’s love with the kids in creative, meaningful experiences to help the kids know and share that LOVE with others.

This summer I am finding a lot of joy in nature as I garden and am reminded of the wonder and beauty God has created for us.

Heidi Romeiser

I teach the 2nd/3rd grade class. I have been teaching for 25 years. The children are the best part of Sunday School. I learn something new from the children every year by having the privilege of seeing the world through their fresh, young eyes. One of my favorite events of the year is Bible Sunday when the 3rd graders receive their Bibles. Being a small part of opening up God’s Word and the Good News of Jesus to the children gives me great joy.

The best part of this summer is spending time with family from out of state whom we don’t see nearly often enough.

Donna Nansteel
I am happy to return to teach 2nd/3rd grade again. I taught 2nd Grade Sunday School at Saint Luke for 18 years while my own children were attending classes. I also taught VBS during that time. One of my favorite things about teaching Sunday School is working with other teachers who are dedicated to bringing the love of Jesus to the children.  I can truly say that we are a patient, kind and supportive community. My other favorite thing about teaching is the children who are eager to learn about the Bible, to read for themselves verses, stories, and history. They enjoy learning about Bible times, looking at maps, and hearing about Jesus’ life growing up in Nazareth.

My special joy this summer was the birth of my grandson, Charlie.  New life- what could be better!

Marie Lambeck

I help with the 2nd / 3rd grade children. Last year was my first year back in Christian Education in many years. I feel the special gift of coming together with parents, staff, and children as we seek to know God and walk God’s Way.

 This summer, I am being mindful of the everyday adventures, gifts of life—large and small— that bring me joy and surprises every day.

Bonnie Jacobson Marziani

I am teaching the 4th-5th grade class. I have been teaching for 13 years. My favorite thing is learning how much God loves us.  And I like eating snacks like Disciple Trail Mix and making scarves for the Giving Tree!

During the summer,  I love the going to the beach and bike riding!

Lynne d’Entremont

I will be teaching 4th-5th grades. I have been teaching about 40 years! I love getting to know our students and teaching them about Jesus’ love for them and how we can be heroes for him. And, I of course, love teaching them about our Baptism and Communion Sacraments!

I ‘m enjoying my summer recovering from ankle surgery and being in my favorite place, Cape Cod. I will be having my cast removed and will be able to walk again soon, on a boot and can’t wait!!

Gretchen DiSciascio

I'm teaching the 6th grade Sunday School class this year. This will be my third year teaching Sunday School. My favorite part about teaching this class is that we have some great discussions about not only the Bible passage, but how it applies in our lives right now, and that every week I learn something new or get to see things from a new perspective.

This summer, we're hanging out by the pool and spending a lot of extra time with extended family, and getting ready for my sister's wedding in the fall! 

Sparky Lok

I'm teaching 6th Grade. I have been teaching for 27 years! My favorite thing about Sunday School is definitely the kids; they're wonderful.  Also, I love introducing scripture to Saint Luke kids.

This summer, I enjoyed a recent road trip through northern New Mexico and Arizona and through southern Utah.  I also enjoyed some volunteer work in the Navajo Nation during the first phase of that month-long journey!

Robby Gilbert

I teach the 6th grade class. I have been teaching for many years. In our sixth grade class we read the Bible out loud taking turns and then we discuss what we have read and then we encourage the students to really think about what we read. We encourage our students to find their voices and feel comfortable; preparing them for Confirmation classes where they move to the following year.

The summer is moving super fast. My wife, Monica and our 2 adult children, Philip and Katharine met in California and traveled together on a family road trip driving 4016 miles and have great memories of our adventures!

Jennifer Nansteel

I serve as a Substitute Teacher. This will be my second year. I love getting to know the children of Saint Luke and putting a fresh spin on familiar bible stories.

Summer is my favorite season and I am having a wonderful time relaxing with my kids, Grace and John. 

Jodi Donohue

I'm subbing in the elementary grades. This will be my second year. I regularly do the Children's Message in our Worship service and my favorite thing about the children is they always can find a way to surprise me and make me think.  They challenge me to become a lifelong learner about God's love and grace.

This summer I am enjoying long nature walks, and hanging with my dog on the deck!

Melora Bauman

I help sub with the 5th Grade class. I think that I’ve been helping teach for 25 years. My favorite part of Sunday school is bonding with the kids

Some of my summer joy has been people watching and being among other people without masks!