Love a Little Louder Still

During lent, we gathered each week to engage with messages from members about several Saint Luke ministries in which we care for one another and those in our community. As we heard inspiring stories and found out more about how Saint Lukans shout and show God’s love beyond the church walls, we were inspired to join the mission to know, love and serve Christ. Our times of gathering have come to an end but our work is not through.

Guest writer & longtime Saint Luke member, Marie Lambeck encourages us to continue to listen & love loudly this summer.

Love a Little Louder posters, seen throughout our Saint Luke campus and online, got me thinking about the word itself: “LOUDER.”  It occurred to me that louder speaks of more than volume.  Doesn’t it include a breadth, an outward spread that finally, might include a broader audience?  In fact, after reaching a distant and unforeseen place it may even return to us in a form that we know as echo.

If something has a resonance for someone, it has a special meaning or is particularly important to them. God’s love resonates with us and through us.

Then too, “louder” is often experienced through its depth of resonance.  This may range from a full, deep expression to a lighter, upper - register gift of
tingling, truth telling joy.

God’s love may be present in any form/degree/medium to which our hearts and minds may be open.  Worship, prayer, outreach— all paths may induce a rich love a little “louder.”

Artwork by Marie Lambeck

Reflect & Listen for God’s Love

  • How do you “see”  love louder around you? Where does it find you?

  • Can you think of an experience of love that had great depth of resonance/meaning/importance to you?

  • In what ways can you increase your love’s volume, depth, and broader reach?