Remembering Loved Ones

Saint Luke has always been fortunate to have a large, lovely piece of property in a busy part of the main line. As part of the reconstruction project after our 2003 fire, we created an attractive, new garden on the Conestoga roadside of the property.

There had been a few people over the years who interred cremated remains in a small area between the sanctuary and Schlack Hall. When Schlack Hall had to be demolished and rebuilt, a group of Saint Lukans began to prepare a more fitting and permanent place for burials here. Ron Kostka and Maggie Kraegel chaired the committee, with members Barbara Kostka, Dave Herbster, Barbara Sweatlock, and Larry Williams.

Besides designing a lovely garden, the committee was careful to supervise the preservation of the holy ground where some people were interred. That part of the garden was returned to the center of the landscaped area, beneath the cross. The brick wall has niches with a stone cover where the names of the people interred there are carved. There are 144 niches where an urn can be interred. Along the front of the wall are 40 ground niches with granite headstones where an urn can be buried. The central area under the cross is where comingled cremains are buried. Bronze plaques on the wall display the names of those loved ones. The current cost of interment is $1300.00 for the site plus $350.00 for garden maintenance.

The Remembrance Garden, outside the east wall of the sanctuary, was created for people who were interred or will be interred in another location and wish to be remembered at St Luke. Wall plaques on either side of the baptismal window have been installed. The current cost for each nameplate is $375.

If you or a loved one are interested in being included in either garden, please contact Barbara Kostka (610-296-0749) or the Saint Luke office (610-688-0122) with questions.