Designed to Thrive

What do you love about your life right now? When was the last time you focused on nurturing your spirit and what that means for you?  In our busy lives we focus a great deal on building our careers, staying physically fit, and making sure that our day-to-day needs are met, but when was the last time you thought about taking care of your spirit?  

These are several of the questions we focused on in the recent SHAPE presentation, talking about how focusing on our spiritual lives can help us to thrive. One of the best ways to make this happen is by connecting with Saint. Luke, its members, and helping to build the people foundation that is the church. Saint Luke’s volunteer assessment, SHAPE, can help each of us discern where we might find a good fit for our interests, values, skills, and aptitudes.

Each of us has God-given talents and interests, and when we use these to support the work of the church it enhances our lives and the lives of those around us. Through prayer, attending worship, and connecting with others at St. Luke, we can find our place and contribute to the life of the church.

If you have questions about volunteering at Saint Luke, and finding your place here, please email Fran Arvan or say hello to her at worship.

The way that you are wired is not an accident. Hidden within you is a unique gift that God wants to share with the world in need.

A few unique ways that people are thriving, using their unique gifts and interests to contribute to the work God is doing in our community…

  • A baker shared their talent to make delicious treats for Feat Incarnate’s dinner served to the HIV/AIDS community in Philadelphia.

  • An artist handed out doodles as reminders of God’s love and acceptance at Pride Fest, reminding the LGBTQIA community that at Saint Luke, all are welcome. No exceptions.

  • Writers shared their reflections in blog posts, devotionals, and newsletters, encouraging others in their spiritual journey who may never ever step through our doors.

  • Photographers captured smiles, giving our community a glimpse of the excitement and vibrant life of our congregation on social media.

  • Gardeners lent their green thumbs and handymen brought their toolbelts to help keep our property looking beautiful and welcoming to those that enter our doors.