Dog Days of Summer: Julie

The summer's well under way, and it's been hot! But guess what? Our adorable Saint Luke pups are turning up the happiness meter, making these sweaty days a total treat. Join us for “Dog Days of Summer," a joyful devotional series that'll tickle your heart and your faith, as we learn precious life lessons from our furry Saint Luke pals.

Dive in deeper, and you'll discover how dogs are teaching us about God and faith. With their loyalty, love, and those wagging tails, they're like messengers from above. Whether they're sticking by our side or bouncing around with pure joy, these pups reveal the true depth of God's love and the power of faith. Let them be your guides on this summer journey! Sit, stay & enjoy!

Meet Julie

This 10 year old pup is a delightful rescue dog whose sweet nature shines through the darkest of days. Responding to an array of nicknames, this "Good Girl” captures hearts. She is a canine connoisseur adoring all edibles except lettuce, so bring on the treats! Best of all, her joy and love may be as big as her appetite. Surgery as a pup and casted legs never seemed to bring her down. Her life has been an embodiment of trust, compassion, and adoration.

Check out what one of her owners, Jodi Donohue had to share about her canine friend:

The Basics

Breed: Julies’s a rescue and they thought she was a labradoodle, but she looks like she has some terrier and pittie in her.

Nicknames: Good Girl (she might answer to this more than Julie) Jules, Wools, Woolie

Likes: Julie likes ALL food, except lettuce.  She loves her PawPaw more than anything. (He spoils her with treats). 

Dislikes: She does not like going to the vet, but she’s always a Good Girl.  She also doesn’t like when her people leave her alone, (but she’s still always a Good Girl!)

How long have they been a part of your family & how did they join your family?

Julie has been with us since she was 8 weeks old. We adopted her from LaMancha Rescue.  One of Luke the monkey’s first appearances was with puppy Julie!


Lessons about God & faith

Dogs teach us the importance of living in the present moment and finding joy in simple things. How has your dog taught you this lesson in your faith journey and helped you experience a deeper appreciation for God's blessings?

My relationship with Julie is not complex.  All she wants is Love and Food and Walk and Nap.  When I think about the complexity of the rest of my life and relationships, I think that Julie has the right approach to life.  I can always count on her to reset myself during the day, to get rid of stress. Just the act of petting her can lower the blood pressure!  Interacting with a dog can be a form of prayer; It centers us, comforts us, and answers the question of what is important in life- Love, Food, Walk and Nap.  All of which God can provide.

Dogs demonstrate resilience and the ability to bounce back from difficult circumstances. How can your dog’s resilience inspire us to persevere in our faith, even in the face of challenges? 

Julie is a very resilient pup.  Only 4 days after we adopted her, she had to have emergency surgery to save her life.  The vet told David how much it was going to cost, thinking that we might elect to not do the surgery, but we were SO IN LOVE with this little puppy, we would do anything for her.  David told the vet that he could not come home without this dog, do whatever it takes to save her life.  My mother always said that God chose to put Julie in our hands because He knew we would always take care of her.  Julie has also had a cast on her leg twice, but it never slows her down, and she never seemed sad about it.  As long as she is with her mom and dad, she is content.  Her simple wants and needs, and ability to take life one nap at a time, as well as the trust she puts in us to provide for her is so humbling.

Dogs have an innate ability to sense our emotions and provide comfort. How can this teach us about God's compassion and empathy towards us? 

Two months after we adopted Julie my dad was diagnosed with leukemia.  We would bring Julie to visit him whenever we could.  Julie could sense that something was going on with him, and she made sure to stick by him wherever he was.  She sensed that he needed her warm and furry body close to his.  And her unconditional love, and her sweet patient nature, gave him a comfort that no one else could.  He would look at us and see our worry and concern for him, our side looks at his newly bald head, and baggy clothes.  But with Julie, she just looked at him with adoring eyes that said I love you PawPaw, you are my everything and I’m just so happy to sit by your side, right now in this moment.  God doesn’t sit and worry about our future, He already knows it.  He will just sit with us, in each and every moment, if we let Him.

Almighty and everlasting God, Creator of all things and giver of all life,
let your blessing be upon all our animals.
May our relationship with them mirror your love,
and our care for them be an example of your bountiful mercy.
Grant the animals health and peace.
Strengthen us to love and care for them
as we strive to imitate the love of Jesus Christ our Lord.


—Adapted from the “Book of Common Worship” (2018)