All I Want For Christmas is Immanuel: God with Us

Our Advent devotional journey “All I Want For Christmas” comes to a close today. We are so grateful for all of the writers that shared their heartfelt and thoughtful reflections with us. Each day, we were reminded to consider what we truly want this Christmas in meaningful and inspiring ways. And thank you to our readers as well for journeying with us this Advent. We wish you all a very merry Christmas.

Enjoy today’s closing Christmas reflection from Pastor Matt Staniz.

IMMANUEL: God with us

“Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son and shall name him Immanuel (which means God is with us).” -Isaiah 7:14

Greetings and Christmas blessings to you! I expect you are finding this reflection as you celebrate Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or (let’s be honest here) perhaps several days later as the extra activity of the holiday subsides and you’re finding Saint Luke in your inbox or social media feed. Did you get “all that you want” for Christmas? I expect that the answer, in many ways is “yes and no.” I hope and pray that above all else you experience the good news found in the name Immanuel: the good news that God is indeed and always with us. God is with you. That is the good news of Christmas.


When you are sad, God is with you.

When you feel alone, God is with you.

When you are overwhelmed, God is with you.

When this world doesn’t make sense, God is with you.

When people hurt you, God is with you.

When people harm you, God is with you.

When people hate you, God is with you.

When you fail, God is with you.

God is with you in any and every struggle that life brings. But know this, too: God is with you in every joy that life brings, too.


When you are happy, God is with you.

When you feel loved and included, God is with you.

When you make it through the day with energy to spare, God is with you.

When you see beauty and joy in this world, God is with you.

When people help you, care for you, and love you, God is with you.

When you feel like your best self, God is with you.


I invite you (especially during these twelve days of Christmas, which traditionally occur through January 5, before the day of Epiphany) to let the promise that God is with you to surround you in every moment. In times of struggle, may you find comfort and strength. In times of joy, may you find reasons to express gratitude and worship.

Dear God, surround us this Christmas season with the good news that you are with us. Reveal yourself to us in new ways in the days ahead. Help us to see you during the times we struggle and inspire us to worship you as our source of abundant life and joy. As we look ahead to a new year, reveal your love to us in new ways so that we can share your love with others. Amen.