We shine brightest when we shine together! Today’s reflection is a true constellation of wonder, formed by thoughts, insights, and prayers of multiple writers working together. They read, discussed, prayed and wrote together. May their reflection help brighten your way this Advent season.
Today’s reflection is from our Confirmation students! Big thank you to Derek, Reid, Scott, Travis and Madison, some of our 7th, 8th and 9th graders for sharing their thoughts with us this Advent.
“The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.” - Psalms 118:22
Jesus both invites and justifies us. He is the door through which we can pass to salvation. He offers and we accept. It is our choice – if we dare. To follow is to lead, just as we both follow and lead in our families.
Jesus is the familiar voice but sometimes it is hard to hear it among all the noise of the world. We can hear it if we try. His voice is echoed in our parents’ voices, our friends’ voices, and in our own voices. We all echo Jesus in our own way. Still, it is hard to hear him and sometimes have to take a chance and follow a familiar but faint voice. Then we draw strength from our family and friends.
Dear God, help us to listen for your voice. Help us to listen to others’ voices. Give us the strength to pass through the door and follow you. Use us to help others find the way and follow your voice. Amen.