“Oh holy night, the stars are brightly shining…” Just as the wise men looked to the stars many Christmases ago, we too seek a bright star to guide us in our celebration of Jesus’ birth. Throughout the season of Advent, we are sharing daily reflections from the people of Saint Luke to help brighten our paths. Our daily writers offer to us their reflections on the various names used for Jesus in the Bible. Together their stars form a constellation of wonder that can fill us with hope, love, peace and joy as we journey towards Christmas.
Today’s reflection is from Lorraine Miller. Lorraine has been a member for about 30 years and her 4 kids have grown up here and are still involved as well. She is involved in Confirmation ministry and youth small groups. She has also been on council and helped lead various programs with Empty Nesters.
“They will wage war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.” -Revelations 17:14
When I think about one of the names of Jesus, “King,” I find it ironic that God chose 3 kings to go find Jesus so that they could worship him. I think God was trying to show us that Jesus is not just any king and that even kings need to worship him.
But is Jesus lord of everything in my life ? Is he king of my life? For us to accept Jesus as King of our lives means that he is the ruler, the boss, the master of our life. He cannot be King of a part, he must be given control of the whole . This is the hard part of surrendering. Can we surrender our thoughts, our emotions, our speech, our relationships to Jesus? Can Jesus be Lord and King of my whole life? When we say Jesus is Lord of lords and King of kings, we are meant to surrender to him. It is in surrendering where we find freedom.
Dear God, please help us to surrender, help us to be obedient. Increase our faith, help us to remember that you are the true King of our lives. Thank you for sending Jesus, to show us the way. Amen.