Welcome 2022

This year has been unique. In many ways 2021 was filled with challenges, heartache, loss and fatigue. Loved ones were lost, milestones passed without the celebrations imagined, concerns about health and safety continued, and fatigue set in leaving many weary.

However, at the same time, 2021 was a year with so much good that we cannot help but stop and say “Thanks be to God.” Babies were born, students matured and graduated, accomplishments were honored, and many families and friends reconnected in ways our hearts deeply needed. It may not have been all that we hoped the year would be, but we are so grateful for all of the blessings that came our way.


More & Less

As a church, like many of you, we have paused as we are about to enter a new year. New beginnings by their very nature make us reflect on the past and contemplate what the fresh start may hold for us. Often New Year resolutions are made. We set goals thinking of the areas that we want to improve, promising to do less of what has harmed or hindered our progress, and often promising to do more of what we long for. Less procrastinating. More going after our dreams. Less cookies. More salads. Less complaining. More gratitude. Less Netflix. More exercise…. and so on.

Our Council members are looking towards 2022 with some resolutions, or better yet prayers, for what this new year may hold for us as a church, community, and world. They shared what they are longing to see “more” of and what they’d like us to experience “less” of in this New Year. Join them as we pray for great things in 2022.

More Time Together…

We pray for more together time in real life. Holding a cup of coffee in a bustling Narthex, catching up with people we see every week or welcoming people we’ve just met for the first time.

Less Division & Impatience…

Lord, let there be less division and impatience in the world. Less hate and violence. We all need a world to feel safe and loved in!

More Peace…

Grant us confidence and clarity in our mission and purpose. Peace is the product of being genuine and authentic in our identity as a congregation.

Less Worry…

Thank you that every circumstance doesn't have to be perfect to move forward. We pray that we will resist the urge to be overwhelmed and remain focused on just doing the next right thing.

More Connection…

We ask that 2022 will bring a “great reconnection” for Saint Luke. May You show us opportunities to discover new relationships and rekindle our connections with one another after the isolation we have endured in 2020 and 2021.

Less Unease…

The challenges of the past 2 years have brought with them an understandable amount of uncertainty, apprehension, and worry. Reduce the fear and anxiety in our lives, Lord. We pray that 2022 will bring increased clarity to how You are equipping us for life together in a world that looks so different than we expected.

More Involvement & Friendship…

God, we know that You can help all of our members & our community to find ways to connect with each other in and out of church. May friendships grow & mature. May more people discover meaningful ways get involved in the many fulfilling opportunities to serve at Saint Luke, in our community and in our world.

Less fear…

The opposite of love is fear. We pray that each of us makes an effort to choose love over fear in the way we see our neighbors, our community, our country, and our world.


Eternal God, you have placed us in a world of space and time, and through the events of our lives you bless us with your love. Grant that in the new year we may know your presence, see your love at work, and live in the light of the event that gives us joy forever - the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen (ELW)