Starry Night: Touch

Virginia Wieringa Fine Art

The night sky filled with stars is one of the most breath taking sights in all creation. Can you imagine the starry Christmas night many years ago?  What a sight that must have been!

 As the psalmist wrote, 

“The Lord determines the number of the stars and calls each of them by name.”   

-Psalm 147:4

As we journey through Advent, we will gaze at the stars and hear from various friends from our congregation, pondering their star’s unique name. Each thoughtful reflection will help us all see Advent and Christmas in new light.  Enjoy! 

Today’s reflection is from Marcia Skoglund & Ron Spangler:


I have always thought of touch as the most intimate of all the senses. One can see, hear and even smell from afar. However touch requires proximity; necessitates togetherness. Yet when viewing the night sky on a December evening, we can all take comfort in knowing no matter how distant from one another we might find ourselves, we are all bathed in the light of the same stars.

Dear Lord, as we approach this dark time of the year, let the light from the heavens shine onto us and inspire us in all we do during the Advent season. We thank you for the many people who touch us, both physically and mentally. We thank you for our parents, either here or gone, who have given us so many opportunities and offered unlimited love and support over the years. Thank you for our families, both near and far. May we touch them and show our love and support as they need it. Thank you for the military and politicians throughout the world, though unknown to many of us, touch our lives dramatically by their actions. Guide them to make wise decisions. Be with each of us that we may offer comfort and aid to those struggling this season in order to make their life a bit brighter.