Starry Night: Involved

Virginia Wieringa Fine Art

Once we change our clocks and return to Eastern Standard Time, a growing darkness will swallow up the sun’s rays a little earlier each evening. While we will miss the long sunny evenings, we are enchanted by the night sky and its stars. As the psalmist wrote, 

“The Lord determines the number of the stars and calls each of them by name.”   

-Psalm 147:4

As we journey through Advent, we will gaze at the stars and hear from various friends from our congregation, pondering their star’s unique name. Each thoughtful reflection will help us all see Advent and Christmas in new light.  Enjoy! 

Today’s reflection is from Sparky Lok:


As Advent unfolds, the winter sky sparkles with bright stars, all of them named. There are Rigeland Betelgeuse in Orion the Hunter, Aldebaran in Taurus the Bull and Sirius in Canis Major, the Big Dog, and many, many more. My star, Involved, also shines brightly in the Saint Luke constellation, reminding us of the beloved saints who said “yes” to being involved in the nativity of our Lord Jesus. Mary, in answer to the astounding proclamation of the angel, does not consider or deliberate, but immediately assumes the role of mother to Jesus, replying “Let it be with me as you have said” and “My soul doth magnify the Lord!”. Joseph also stays involved, keeping faith with Mary when the angel comes to him in a dream to affirm that the child she carries is from God. Let us join with them and the shepherds, the three Kings and all those involved in the first Christmas and involve ourselves in the wonder and beauty of this holy season.

Lord, involve me in this holy season.