Virginia Wieringa Fine Art
The night sky filled with stars is one of the most breath taking sights in all creation. Can you imagine the starry Christmas night many years ago? What a sight that must have been!
As the psalmist wrote,
“The Lord determines the number of the stars and calls each of them by name.”
-Psalm 147:4
As we journey through Advent, we will gaze at the stars and hear from various friends from our congregation, pondering their star’s unique name. Each thoughtful reflection will help us all see Advent and Christmas in new light. Enjoy!
Today’s reflection is from Bill Baver:
Homecoming. This reminds me of the carol line:
“I’ll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams”
I can’t help but think of my immediate and extended family when this song is on and the togetherness and joy I feel at that time. It all starts with Christmas Eve Candlelight Service with the family. Then on Christmas day with in-person and virtual gatherings – even just the phone call, to “be together”. To be “home” together. God and Jesus are central to that thinking and as my Mom would ALWAYS tell me – you NEVER say or write “X-MAS” – because there is no Christ in that writing and without Christ – there is no season for a homecoming.
Dear God – thank you for homecomings, that can ALWAYS be received. No one is ever too far to miss out – especially at Christmas. Please remember all those that can be in person and those that are in spirit – to know we are ALL together. We are forever grateful for all you have done and continue to do for each and every one of us to allow us to be together. Help us to keep Christ in the Christmas spirit whenever we want to come home. You allow us that each and every day. In your name we pray. Amen.