Starry Night: Meeting

Virginia Wieringa Fine Art

Once we change our clocks and return to Eastern Standard Time, a growing darkness will swallow up the sun’s rays a little earlier each evening. While we will miss the long sunny evenings, we are enchanted by the night sky and its stars. As the psalmist wrote, 

“The Lord determines the number of the stars and calls each of them by name.”   

-Psalm 147:4

As we journey through Advent, we will gaze at the stars and hear from various friends from our congregation, pondering their star’s unique name. Each thoughtful reflection will help us all see Advent and Christmas in new light.  Enjoy! 

Today’s reflection is from Paul Neff:


Upon reflection of the word meeting , I immediately thought about our brothers and sisters in Christ the Quakers or Friends. When the Quakers attend worship they refer to it as going to the Meeting House or Meeting. Hence the names in our community such as Plymouth Meeting or Meetinghouse Rd. At the Meeting there is no one leader. All sit peacefully and quietly .When someone is inspired by the Holy Spirit they will offer either a prayer, a Bible verse, a hymn or reflection about our Lord.

During Advent we too wait peacefully and quietly to “meet” and welcome our Lord again into our lives, our homes and our places of worship. May you be blessed this Advent as you meet, welcome and see our Lord work wonders in your life. Then be inspired to tell your “friends” and to go and tell it on the mountain of all that Jesus has done for you.

Dear Lord, with joy we look forward to “meeting“ you once again as we give thanks for your blessings in our lives. Amen.