In Everything Give Thanks

In Everything, Not For Everything

A former pastor, Ed Dobson was diagnosed with ALS and shared that it was a diagnosis that he would not wish on his worst enemies. However through his suffering, he learned something great…gratitude. He went on to share how in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, it says “In everything give thanks,”… not for everything. He is not thankful for ALS, but in the midst of it, he has found that he can be thankful. For us too, after a challenging year, we may not be thankful for everything that we encountered or that is occurring in our world. However, in the midst of it our hearts can overflow with gratitude.

Dobson shared that he liked worshiping in the African American church because they prayed differently than the white churches he was used to. Their prayers as a community had been shaped by their suffering and struggle. They often began their prayers with: “Dear God, thank you for waking me up this morning.” Whatever we are facing, we can find something as simple as that to be grateful for.

Recently, our staff took some time to reflect on what we were grateful for. We shared what filled us with thanks from that morning, this year personally and as a church, as well as some unexpected blessings from a challenging year. Together, our reflections formed this litany of thanksgiving. Pray with us & may your hearts be filled with hope, gratitude, and peace.

This Morning

For warm comforters wrapped around us on chilly fall mornings, such pure delight. For fresh coffee and dashing to catch the train just in time. For those in recovery, healing and becoming well. For calm demeanors of loved ones in unsettling moments. For daily walks and faithful companions to travel beside us. We know that friendship in any form is a gift from you. For technology that connects us for relationships, work and worship.

Lord, we give you thanks and praise. You have done great things this morning.


This Past Year Personally

For first steps and first words, along with a slower pace to enjoy them all. For grown children returning to the nest and having families reunited again in ways we never anticipated. For personal growth, new focus and energy. For a network of friendship that adapted to the new landscape of virtual gatherings, remaining close and bonded. For meaningful music that speaks to the soul, songs to calm our hearts and carry us through whatever comes. For time and space to read, write, create and simply… breathe.

Lord, we give you thanks and praise. You have done great things in our personal lives & families this year.


This Past Year as a Church

For meaningful work that continued to abound in your church despite distance and shutdowns. For new relationships forming and for reconnecting with old familiar faces. For those gathering consistently in prayer, study, and worship, dedicated to one another and to a rhythm of growing in God’s love. For honesty and open hearts. For kind words shared to encourage one another in the journey. For resiliency and teamwork, a willingness to learn new skills, tackle challenges, and navigate transitions with grace.

Lord, we give you thanks and praise. You have done great things in our church this year.


The Unexpected Blessing

For the unexpected surprise of finding joy in new circumstances such as working from the back porch, soaking in nature and the beauty of your creation. For improved heath during a time when our health has never felt more at risk. You never cease to surprise us God. For discovering more intentional communication with those that we care about. We could not have imagined the fertile ground for connection that you were preparing. For the closeness that resulted in all of the challenges, how we clung to one another and through it all sensed your love.

Lord, we give you thanks and praise. Again and again, through a difficult year, you have showered us with unexpected blessings, silver linings reminding us of your faithfulness.



Take a moment to add some of the things that you are grateful for. Begin with a list of things from this very morning. Reflect on the past year personally and professionally. Then ponder the ways that God has surprised you with unexpected blessings amidst challenges.

God, you are always up to something good. Thank you for waking us up this morning. Thank you for all this year has held for us, as individuals, as families, and as your church. Thank you for the ways you have surprised us with your everlasting goodness. In all things may we continue to give you thanks and praise. Amen.