Grace around the Table: Schulz

Has the current pandemic changed things for your family? Maybe you are working from home or not working currently. Perhaps you have more time together at home than ever before. Did you tackle a home improvement project or hone your cooking skills during this unprecedented season? Many busy households slowed, at least temporarily, as Covid-19 shut down life as we previously knew it. While it has been undeniably difficult for so many, we seek to find the good that has come out of this challenging time. Many families have reconnected around the dinner table more frequently than ever before, sharing stories, laughing together, and savoring one another’s company.

According to a recent survey, over 54% of households are cooking more during this pandemic. These home-cooked meals shared around the family dinner table provide an opportunity for families to connect in new ways, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.

Mealtime is a common time for families to pray together or “say grace” before they dig in. This summer we are featuring various Saint Luke families and how they say grace together. We will also have the chance to get to know them better and hear about some of their household mealtime traditions. Earlier this summer we heard from the Wahler family. Today, we get to the opportunity to know the Schulz family!


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Tell us about your household/family: We are a family of four. Fred, Cindy, Noah (14) and Siena (12). We have three cats, a dog, and a chameleon.

How long have you been a part of Saint Luke?: We have been apart of Saint Luke for 5 years.

How did you find Saint Luke? After moving here from Florida in 2013, we googled Lutheran churches and found Saint Luke.

What is your favorite thing about Saint Luke? We loved how welcoming everyone is, beginning with our very first visit. Siena & Noah also look forward to the treats between services.

Favorite way to spend time as a family during the pandemic: Our favorite ways to spend time during the pandemic have been playing board games, swimming, and family movie nights.

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Favorite memory as a family during this season: Binge watching all nine seasons of The Office and seeing creativity bloom in all of us.

What is something you have been learning during this season?: We've been learning together about the benefits of a plant-based diet and continue to try new recipes, many made with items from our own garden.

Any family mealtime traditions:  We feel it's important to eat every meal as a family, if we're together, and everyone helps. Siena's fluffy omelets are fabulous, and Noah kneads a mean sourdough bread.

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Favorite family meal: We're finding it difficult to come up with a favorite meal because we're always trying new recipes. We like to be adventurous.

Share one or two of your favorite mealtime prayers:  "Come Lord Jesus, be our guest, and let these gifts to us be blessed."

This is the table prayer Fred's family said at each meal when he was a child. Noah and Siena know that this has been passed down to them and we share it with guests who dine with us also asking that they share their mealtime prayer.


Thanks for sharing, Schulz family! Use the special printable coloring sheet as a way to learn their family mealtime prayer and try it out next time you gather around your table.