Together during lent, we are taking a closer look at the various ways that Jesus extended radical welcome to various groups of people and how we can follow His example. He was constantly crossing over all kinds of human-made lines and boundaries! Each week we will explore a new demographic, learning both from Jesus’ example as well as hearing personal stories from members of the Saint Luke community. Thus far, we have explored the ways that Jesus crosses over socioeconomic lines, as well as across family structures.
Today we continue our series by exploring the topic of age, with the help of teenager Lily Thompson and senior Marie Lambeck. Journey with us!
There are many negative stereotypes associated with age. When you are young, you may hear that kids now a days are always up to no good, only care about themselves, and are lazy or disrespectful. On the other extreme, seniors may hear that they are out of touch with reality, senile, or cranky all the time. It seems like regardless of your age, young and old alike often feel misjudged, unwelcome, and pushed aside. Sadly, this can even be true within churches.
Kids and teenagers may be viewed more as a distraction or nuisance rather than valuable contributing members. Instead of being treated like a blessing or reward, we can be quick to treat children and teenagers as less than, not truly listening to their ideas or welcoming them to fully share their gifts with the faith community. Instead of radically welcoming and embracing them the way Jesus did, they can be held at arms length. We might mean well but we can be tempted to look at them as the future of the church, rather than notice all they are in the present.
Similarly, in our hustle and bustle, senior citizens can feel like they are a burden, slowing us down and getting in the way, rather than being valued as a wealth of wisdom that we can learn from. Instead of embracing gray hair as a crown of splendor, we seem to fight against aging, fearful of what it may entail. Sadly, this fear and our own impatience can cause us as people of faith to miss out on the incredible insight of those that have journeyed farther than us over the years. Like elders Simeon and Anna who noticed the child Jesus among them in a unique way, seniors in our churches too can help us see in different ways. We just need to slow down enough to ask and listen.
At Saint Luke, we aim to radically welcome people of all ages. We do not always get it perfect, but we see that each generation adds something special to the body of Christ. Check out what special guests from different generations had to say about them each experiencing Jesus’ radical welcome regardless of age.
When it comes to church, I find it as a second home for me. Saint Luke’s has brought me so many different opportunities that I wouldn’t have been able to get anywhere else. They are such a welcoming environment that always brightens up my day whenever I get the chance to go. Jesus is an important figure in my life. He welcomes everyone, no matter their race, gender, sexual orientation, age, etc.
“I haven’t really ever felt looked down on while being at this church. However, I have been to other churches where I didn’t feel as welcomed or accepted, like I do at Saint Luke’s. I think that people view me as a person who loves being apart of the congregation, and as someone who is always willing to help out in any way.”
When it comes to being a warm and welcoming place, Saint Luke’s have been nothing but perfect for me. They always know how to bring joy and light to so many peoples faces. Also, I think that being a somewhat new member at this church, I feel like I have made so many new friends already. The congregation is so friendly, kind, and accepting. I love how warm and welcoming everyone is.
During my time at Saint Luke, I have gotten the experience to help out in so many different ways. For example, I was able to be a counselor at their week summer camp, which was an awesome experience. Also, I was able to go a handful of trip to Silver Springs to hang out with the kids there. I also got the opportunity to be Baptized and Confirmed while becoming a member.
Saint Luke’s has become such an amazing and important part of my life and I am so grateful that I get the opportunity to be apart of the congregation.
Jesus’ welcome to all people certainly included folks whom today we call “seniors.” Following His lead, we seniors at Saint Luke enjoy being an active part in all aspects of our church community’s life.
Yes, you’ll find us everywhere! Altar guild, choir, Needles & Pins, Women’s Circle, Feast Incarnate, Stephen Ministry, Sunday school, Nifty-Fifty, VBS, and of course, we’re active participants on Sunday and other worship opportunities.
Our latest venture is called Third Act. Have you heard about it? We’re going to have it’s third get-together here at Saint Luke on Monday, March 21. Of course, you know that anything scheduled for that time frame will include lunch. They’ve been delicious so far and I’m sure this month’s menu will follow suit. An interesting speaker, friendship, and an all-around good time also served!
“We seniors at Saint Luke enjoy being an active part in all aspects of our church community’s life. ”
Seniors are also noted for caregiving activities. Just this past Sunday, five of us visited with Saint Lukans who are presently making their homes at a local assisted living community. We began our visit with a short worship service including Holy Communion, and continued it as we so often seem to do with sharing our own news updates and good conversation. You seniors out there—if I haven’t included the way you feel especially welcome at Saint Luke—be in touch!
Jesus certainly was! And we’re following His lead, right?
God of all generations, we see you across all time. In the vibrance of youth and in the wisdom of age. Help us to continue to welcome all of your people regardless of age, knowing that as we radically welcome them, we too welcome you. Amen.
Lily Thompson is a local high school student. She became a member at Saint Luke in 2019, and is especially involved in Spark Student Ministries. You’ll find her serving alongside others energetically, participating at a youth retreat, or worshipping with her family.
Marie Lambeck has been a part of Saint Luke since 1966. She has seen the passing parade and loved it all. She loves it especially now. You can find her in a variety of places such as serving on the Connectors team, volunteering in the office, updating bulletin boards, and more!