An Open Letter to our Students on Confirmation Sunday

Dear Confirmation Students, 

On Sunday, you and a group of fellow 9th grade students will stand before our congregation and share about your faith on a day known as “Confirmation Sunday.” It is a day that many of us once participated in years ago, perhaps at Saint Luke or another congregation. Like you, we probably felt many of the same emotions. Excitement, nervousness, joy. And like you, we were surrounded by others that had walked the road before us, paving the way with wisdom, patience and love. 

Some of you have grown up in this very church. We have watched you as you were swayed and rocked in your momma’s arms during worship. We have watched you run down the halls excitedly towards your Sunday school classroom, snagging a donut from the lobby along the way. We have watched you grow taller and stronger, quickly no longer the little one we once knew, but instead a young adult facing the world with wide eyes and a brave heart. 

For others of you we did not have the privilege of witnessing quite as many steps along your journey, but we consider it an honor to have gotten to know you and to have gotten to experience your wit, thoughtfulness, integrity, courage, silliness, honesty, and hope, even for just one day. You truly are an incredible group of young people.

Perhaps most importantly of all, we have watched you consider, question, and explore your faith as adolescents in an increasingly complex world. On Confirmation Sunday, you each will share a faith statement about your journey. Yet, the wonderful thing about this day is that it is not the end, nor is it the beginning. Instead, it is a pause, providing both us-your church family- and you the moment to reflect, to remember, and to cherish. It is a special day and on it we want you to know a few things…


1.  This is now your faith journey.  You are in charge of what you make of it. However, it is not a journey you ever have to travel alone. You have had tremendous support along the way from your family, your teachers and the congregation.  That will never change, so don’t be afraid to reach out, no matter how long it has been or what the circumstances may be. Good times & bad, we are in your corner. You are loved. 


2.  The journey thus far has led you to learn and realize amazing things about our faith and our experience. Savor that. Cherish the memories. Remember each step. Reflect on it. Take some time to pause and think about your journey. Isn’t it awesome to see what God has been up to in your life?  We think it is pretty incredible, too. 

3.  Enjoy being the center of attention on this special day. You are making this a special day for others, and they want to recognize and reward you with gratitude and support. It is a privilege and joy for the congregation, your friends, and family to mark this special day with you. The beauty of our faith is that it connects us with others. This is a special day for you, which means it is a special day for your church. 


Happy Confirmation Sunday!


May God strengthen you on your way, provide you with rest in moments when you question if you can continue, give you kind companions to share the load, and direct your steps along the hills and valleys of the journey. 


Please share in the comments below the top thing you hope they know on this special Sunday. 

Special thanks to Bill Baver for his contributions to this post. Bill serves not only as the President of Council here at Saint Luke, but also leads our confirmation program.