As we continue our lenten journey towards healing and wholeness in Christ, we turn our attention towards spiritual health.
Using the Wholeness/Wellness Wheel as our guide, we have been exploring the various areas of health over the past weeks. Yet, this week’s focus is unique. Spiritual wholeness is not just another spoke on the wheel, but rather encircles all of the other areas of wellness.
According to the creators of the Wholeness Wheel, living a centered life focused on God affects each aspect of our well-being. We have the opportunity to turn to God for strength as we seek to live well in Christ. By nurturing our relationships with God through prayer, devotions, worship, nature, art, and music, we can take steps towards spiritual health. You will never regret taking time explore who you are and to know whose you are.
As shown on the Wholeness Wheel, spiritual well-being is woven in through every area of our lives. At the center of the wheel, we are remember that we are a new creation through the waters of baptism. Christ lives in us and through us and calls us out to love and serve one another. What does it mean to be a new creation? We have received the gift of grace through Christ, who came that we might have abundant life. Abundant life is living as a new creation, being grounded and centered in Christ, and loving our neighbor as ourselves. Living centered, we’re best equipped to do Christ’s work in this world.
There are many ways to grow in these areas of health. Local churches, like Saint Luke, offer opportunities for weekly worship and faith formation. However, spiritual health is not reserved for just Sundays. Here are some things you can try out today to take steps towards healing and wholeness in Christ:
1. Explore Ways to Commune with God
Being spiritually grounded enables you to find balance in other dimensions of the Wholeness Wheel. Nurturing your relationship with God through daily prayer or devotion can be a great first step.
To commune with God:
Build rhythms into your daily life that provide opportunities to be in tune with Him.
Create a space that invites you into prayer and time of devotion: a room, corner or favorite chair.
Find the time of day that provides you with quiet, private time with God .
Prayer Practice & Meditation
Taking time to center yourself can offer the respite and inner strength a healthy person needs. As you seek to make space in your life for God’s renewing presence, meditation and prayer practices can be helpful tools. For those that live locally, we create space for stillness, quiet, and the practice of these disciplines at our monthly First Wednesday gatherings. Just last week, we explored prayer focused on our breathing. For those that missed it or would like to further explore similar practices, try out the video below.
““Be still, and know that I am God!””
Mantra Meditation
Another practice to explore is meditation. To encourage self reflection, try mantra meditation.
Mantra involves repeating a phrase or thought of God while keeping your mind focused on God. This is a way to center and ground yourself, prepare your mind for a meeting or relax before you go to sleep.
An example might be: “Lord Jesus Christ be present now,” “Be still and know that I am God,” or “Yahweh.”
2. Grow in Community
No matter what you choose to do, know that we are praying for you on your journey towards spiritual health. You are not alone. Finding others that are also on this journey is an important part of growth. At Saint Luke, we believe that we grow best in community. If you are near the Devon, PA area, feel free to reach out to us. All are welcome, no exceptions.
Looking for a church near you? Check out churches in your area.
May Christ make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. May your roots grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. In Christ, may you find the love you desire, the healing you need, and the wholeness you crave. Amen.
Special thanks to Portico, a ministry of the ELCA for many of these great insights and tools to help us lead healthier lives for the sake of the world.