Funerals & Memorial Services

If you have experienced the loss of a family member, please let us know. We want to support you in your loss. One of our pastors will meet with you and your family to discuss funeral or memorial service arrangements and to help you with any related details.


Services may be held in the sanctuary or chapel. Our congregation also has a beautiful Memorial Garden where the deceased’s ashes may be interred. The Saint Luke Memorial Garden was designed to include a columbarium wall with 144 individual niches, 38 individual ground niches, and a common ash area for commingled cremains. It serves as a serene resting place for its deceased members and their immediate families. Arrangements can be made for a luncheon or fellowship hour to be held following the service. Normally a local caterer is used and the congregation’s Caregiving Hospitality Team hosts the event. 

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Remembrance Garden

The memorial garden was created to serve as a final resting place for Saint Luke members and their immediate families. It is also a peaceful place where people can take in the beauty of God's creation and celebrate the miracle of life in all its glory, including death and resurrection. Presently there are three choices for interment: a columbarium wall with individual niches, individual ground niches and a common area for comingled cremains. For those who, although interred in another location, wish to also be remembered in the memorial garden at Saint Luke, there is a remembrance area that includes wall plaques on either side of the baptismal window.


If a member of your family goes into the hospital, feel free to contact Saint Luke so that we can care for you. We would love to support you with our prayers and arrange a visit. 



Contact Us

Feel free to contact us using the form or at

203 N. Valley Forge Rd

Devon, PA 19333

610. 688.0122